《Yoostar 2: In The Movies》Xbox360版更換詳情

由於出現技術問題,第一批於2011年3月8日發售之XB360《Yoostar 2: In The Movies》將於2011年4月13日XBOX LIVE更新後不能正常運作,PS3 版本將不受影響。

廠方已重新印製全新遊戲碟以作更換,已購買XB360《Yoostar 2: In The Movies》的玩家可到網址:www.yoostar2.com.au並點選右下角”Kinect™ for Xbox 360® Game Update”進行登記更換全新行貨。已登記的玩家將有專人以電郵聯絡,不便之處,敬請見諒!

為表歉意,廠方將同時送出《Yoostar 2: In The Movies》Download Content讓玩家免費下載,其DLC包括The Hits Pack、The Superheroes Pack及The Legends Pack,玩家只需登記更換遊戲碟的同時以三揀二去揀選所下載的DLC,在收到廠方回覆更換遊戲的電郵同時玩家便同時收到DLC下載碼。DLC的內容包括:

The Hits Pack

· 300 – Spartans, prepare for glory!

· Zoolander – Derek’s ‘eugoogly’

· Meet the Parents – Practice proposal

· The Hangover – Am I missing a tooth?

· The Terminator – You know your weapons

The Superheroes Pack

· Batman – Batwing

· Batman – Get in the car!

· Kick-Ass – Why are you dressed as Kick-Ass?

· Superman Returns – No brakes!

· Superman Returns – Save Metropolis!

The Legends Pack

· Forrest Gump – A bullet in the buttocks

· Beverly Hills Cop – We don’t drink on duty

· The Godfather – Luca Brasi and Don Corleone

· The Terminator – I love you, too, sweetheart

· Rocky 2 – I am a fighter


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